Thursday, July 31, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
黑糖群侠传 damn nice!! NICE NICE!
Fucking PPSTREAM cant watch. Make me wait and wait. So end up i fell asleep. But wake up again to watch the show. Nice show. Looking forward for the Ep2!!!!
Fucking PPSTREAM cant watch. Make me wait and wait. So end up i fell asleep. But wake up again to watch the show. Nice show. Looking forward for the Ep2!!!!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Gym yesterday at night. Was tired can. Hahas. Went there around 15 mins which cos us $1.50. Hahas. Ling and I intending to meet up Adeline to watch movie. But maybe we make her wait for too long she not going anymore. Hais. Cos i bath too long. Sorry.. Then went to Compass to eat. Went home. Going gym again next week. Hahahas.
Guess who is this.. Hahahas.
Guess who is this.. Hahahas.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Went to school in the morning. Study till 11.40am. Went home intending to take a nap. But was disallow by Stella. Meet her at Compass Point. Went to return books and buy eye drop. Have lunch/dinner at Pizza hut. LOLS! Headed to Vivo city after that. Shop and went to Central. She had her British take away at there. And headed out. Saw the Extreme Swing and Bungy Singapore. I feel like taking a ride. Hahas. So seeing it so fun we went over there to see ppl take the ride. Wahahas. Seriously i donno how to explain that feeling.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
It looks like a nice show to me! OMG! Especially got LOLLIPOP!
7/26起 每週六晚上9:30〈全台獨家首播〉
《黑 糖群俠傳》既沒有武俠片的深度包袱,卻保有我們熟悉的武俠枝葉,以偶像劇與年輕偶像演員為號召,希望能以中國功夫的精髓,帶出全新的偶像劇風潮。這是一部 集合韓國《火山高校》的張力、英國《哈利波特》的情緒、香港《龍虎門》的鏡頭,集結上述元素的偶像連續劇。我們以現代人的思維,來觀賞千年前各大武林門派 在時下的運籌帷幄。
四所武術學院的校長分別保管四部經書,然而南城學院已被邪教摧毀、經書被奪。而東城學院在危急之際,東城校長將經書帶出預藏他處,沒想到遭邪教追殺重傷。 此時卻巧遇送快遞迷路的郭敬〈阿緯 飾〉,把畢生功力傳給了他。一介凡夫俗子的郭敬,卻因此有了一甲子的功力,而捲入了江湖險惡之中。
而往西城學院上學途中的令狐聰(王子 飾)巧遇此事,出手相救,將他們帶回西城學院醫治。此一連串事件已讓其他西、北兩校為之震驚,於是功夫最高深的西城校長決定盡快找到七個武術傳人,訓練他們修習「七星絕殺陣」再對抗邪教奪回失去的經書,並一舉殲滅邪教領導人:神天魔。
而西城學院學生群中首席高手令狐聰,從不把名利放在心上,要他花時間跟同儕對決爭取分數,他寧可跟他青梅竹馬的小師妹上官雲(ㄚ頭 飾)看場電影。只是生為英雄難免遭受磨難,後來他不但被郭敬的武藝所趕上,甚至愛情生變!與任瑩瑩(小薰 飾)產生情愫。且因救人而喪失內力,所幸最後因生性的豁達讓他因禍得福,習得武林至尊武功:獨孤劍法與易筋經。於是,故事就從令狐聰及郭敬的身上展開。
7/26起 每週六晚上9:30〈全台獨家首播〉
《黑 糖群俠傳》既沒有武俠片的深度包袱,卻保有我們熟悉的武俠枝葉,以偶像劇與年輕偶像演員為號召,希望能以中國功夫的精髓,帶出全新的偶像劇風潮。這是一部 集合韓國《火山高校》的張力、英國《哈利波特》的情緒、香港《龍虎門》的鏡頭,集結上述元素的偶像連續劇。我們以現代人的思維,來觀賞千年前各大武林門派 在時下的運籌帷幄。
四所武術學院的校長分別保管四部經書,然而南城學院已被邪教摧毀、經書被奪。而東城學院在危急之際,東城校長將經書帶出預藏他處,沒想到遭邪教追殺重傷。 此時卻巧遇送快遞迷路的郭敬〈阿緯 飾〉,把畢生功力傳給了他。一介凡夫俗子的郭敬,卻因此有了一甲子的功力,而捲入了江湖險惡之中。
而往西城學院上學途中的令狐聰(王子 飾)巧遇此事,出手相救,將他們帶回西城學院醫治。此一連串事件已讓其他西、北兩校為之震驚,於是功夫最高深的西城校長決定盡快找到七個武術傳人,訓練他們修習「七星絕殺陣」再對抗邪教奪回失去的經書,並一舉殲滅邪教領導人:神天魔。
而西城學院學生群中首席高手令狐聰,從不把名利放在心上,要他花時間跟同儕對決爭取分數,他寧可跟他青梅竹馬的小師妹上官雲(ㄚ頭 飾)看場電影。只是生為英雄難免遭受磨難,後來他不但被郭敬的武藝所趕上,甚至愛情生變!與任瑩瑩(小薰 飾)產生情愫。且因救人而喪失內力,所幸最後因生性的豁達讓他因禍得福,習得武林至尊武功:獨孤劍法與易筋經。於是,故事就從令狐聰及郭敬的身上展開。
令狐聰 18歲 (王子 飾) 武功:獨孤九劍 某上市企業唯一繼承人。天生的高貴優雅外表,是西城武藝學院學生群中首席高手;只是生性豪邁爽朗,從不把名利放在心上。對自己是華山劍派:令狐“沖”傳人的身份毫無自知,但諷刺的是,他卻沒有先祖令狐沖的酒量,幾乎是一口就醉。 | ||||||||||||||||
郭敬 19歲 (阿緯 飾) 武功:一甲子功力 - 降龍十八掌 個性憨厚、直率,超愛看武俠小說和漫畫,想成為行俠仗義的武林高手,但實際上卻是老是被人欺負、佔便宜。 在其他學生眼中是個資質駑鈍的麻瓜,但由於他天性善良、正義感十足,反而得到許多令人艷羨的奇妙際遇。在一次因緣際會下,一位武林高手將畢生的功力傳給了 他,也因而讓郭敬得以進入西城武校學武、為武林和平盡一分心力。 | ||||||||||||||||
楚琉湘 19歲 (小煜 飾) 武功:彈指神功、絕頂輕功梯雲縱 外表風流倜儻,個性玩世不恭,在他心目中,人生就該及時行樂,所以一切需要努力才能成功的事情,對他來說 都太麻煩,懶得去做。偏偏他的天姿聰穎,加上外貌俊帥,所以不論是武藝上的成就、或是女人的愛慕,對楚琉湘而言都是唾手可得的,但只有小龍女、是他怎麼也 搞不定的女人。雖然一開始兩人互相看不順眼,但後來為了得到小龍女的認可,他居然漸漸改變了自己遊戲人生的態度…。是唯一來自北城武校的高材生代表。 | ||||||||||||||||
任瑩瑩 18歲 (小薰 飾) 武功:用毒 - 易容術 - 鞭子功 因為父母親都是邪教的關係,瑩瑩的外貌、武功(非中原正統武功)在西城高校顯得有些格格不入。也因為如此,瑩瑩顯得孤僻甚至任性,而這一切都只是她的保護色,天知道她想要的只是認同,而這一切都看在令狐聰眼裡,兩人逐漸由憐生愛,瑩瑩甚至差點為了令狐聰而失去性命。 | ||||||||||||||||
上官雲 18歲 (ㄚ頭 飾) 武功:峨嵋派武功 個性迷糊、甜美可愛,有些千金小姐的任性脾氣,因為出身自武術名門之後的她,父母都是武林中人尊敬的高 手。其實上官雲並不愛學打打殺殺的武功,都是受到父母的盛名之累,才不得不勉強自己去學武。在西城武校裡的武學成績總是吊車尾,都是靠同學令狐聰的暗中幫 助(就是作弊啦)才能勉強過關。喜歡令狐聰,兩人原本是一對校園情侶,直到郭敬這個天兵忽然出現在他們的生活中、、、。 |
小龍女 18歲 (小蠻 飾) 武功:獅子吼功 - 七傷拳 專攻獅子吼、七傷拳等至剛至陽武功,男人婆一個,熱心公益、只要是班上的事都是她的事,是那種會為了要佈置教室而留下挑燈夜戰的好學生。從沒談過戀愛的她,對愛情有無限憧憬,自然對楚琉湘那種到處留情的個性深惡痛絕,但愛情就是這麼奇妙,兩人最後會有情人終成眷屬嗎? | |
偉曉寶 19歲 (阿本 飾) 武功:說功一流 – 智商超高 不要臉、怕死,不做事、愛錢。有漏洞就鑽,有破綻就挖,有便宜就佔,有美女就把。雖然從來 沒有耐心學會任何一種武功,但因為超會拍老師馬屁(而且是最有權勢的那幾位),所以在東城武校裡竟然也有一席之地。當然,老師們並不認為曉寶只是個會拍馬 屁的學生,據可靠消息指出,曉寶的智商可是有破兩百的實力!和小龍女同屬東城武校的學生,但小龍女卻是他絕不想把的女生‧‧‧因為在曉寶眼中、男人婆又大 嗓門的小龍女,根本不是女人。 | |
伊賀倉太 19歲 (小馬 飾) 武功:伊賀忍術 心裡只存在著爭第一的念頭,原本也在維護正義的轉世傳人七者名單內,進入西城武藝學院就讀 後,因無法接受自己不是眾人武功之首,個性偏執的他,竟受誘惑、轉投效至邪教!因對其他六人的優缺點都有深刻了解,讓眾人險遭遇不測!還好最終醒悟,挺身 相助不惜犧牲自己而得到大家的認同,終究維護了正義的傳承。 |
Monday, July 14, 2008
I want mickey MP3!
Going to school in about 4 hours. Tiring! I hope to find job more faster. Im lack of money!!! Cos i got alot of online thing wanting to buy..
Going to school in about 4 hours. Tiring! I hope to find job more faster. Im lack of money!!! Cos i got alot of online thing wanting to buy..
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Too tired to go swimming with Ling and Stella. Sorry about that Stella. Wake up at 2 something and meet up with Ling and Adeline at Hougang mall. Headed to AMK after that. Watched Red Cliff. Hohos. Looking forward for Part 2. And went back to Hougang plaza to eat Nasi ayam. Then headed to Mervyn house. Cab home after that.
I might not have a good brain but i still have brain to judge who is friend and who is not.
I might not have a good brain but i still have brain to judge who is friend and who is not.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
How sad! My psp had lost. Fucking hell. Lent classmate lent until donno go where. Hopefully they will return me tml if they happen to have it. My hard earned money was gone just lidat.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Monday, July 07, 2008
School reopen! Went to school early in the morning. Teacher ask us to be at school by 8.30am and yet he himself make us wait for so long. And lifeskill teacher have change. How sad! I scared my new lifeskill teacher. And classmate said luckily she didnt have heart attack. Hahahas. I laugh like mad. And so went home at 12.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Went to meet Stella for lunch at Compass. Went library to return and borrow book first den to Kopitiam for Fish Bee Hoon. My favorite food! Hahahas. Received Ling call to IKEA as she wan to buy table. Bused there. Bought her thing. And i bought some too. Then cabbed to Ling house. Fixed and packed all her thing. From 7plus to 12. Long.. But was so happy to see those thing done. Anyway Stella went home around 8.30 and Adeline came. But i forgotten wat time she came. Hahas. Walk to her house there to cab back . Going to watch my 龟梨和也 and 三浦春马!!
Maybe going BOON KENG STEAMBOAT tml! YEAH! I wanted to eat long time ago.
Done quiz from Stella blog as im bored! LOLS! |||
Everything change for its own reason. The turning point...
Maybe going BOON KENG STEAMBOAT tml! YEAH! I wanted to eat long time ago.
Done quiz from Stella blog as im bored! LOLS! |||
Everything change for its own reason. The turning point...
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.Thursday, July 03, 2008
Watched BBT! Fucking scary! Stayed at home for a few days. Watched lots of show. Watched 小鱼儿与花无缺. 谢霆锋 was really handsome. Ling said i always watch those China type of show. But i really like those story about dragon and war and of course immortals stories.